Home › TAPES › BRUTALISM The Charged Void (Cloister - USA original) (NM) TAPE BRUTALISM The Charged Void (Cloister - USA original) (NM) TAPE 0 kr 70 kr Sorry, this item is out of stock. Inlay: NM (Like new.)Excellent Experimental Black Metal from the US.Cloister Recordings – CRUS-47. USA 2019. <a href="http://cloisterrecordingsus.bandcamp.com/album/the-charged-void">The Charged Void by Brutalism</a> You'll probably like these as well WESTENDHALL Reluctant Resistance (Cloister - USA original) (NM) TAPE 60 kr Info THANATOPSIS Defleshed In Excrements (Self released - Brazil original) (EX) TAPE 150 kr Info